Wednesday, April 11, 2012

ABC's of Lindsay

Just another 'about me' post :)

Acadia University. I love it more than I think I even realize.
Broadway. My happy place.
Curling. The only sport I could ever call my own. My passion.
Disney cast member, summer 2012!
Enthusiasm- why go through life without it?
Friends. I am so blessed.
God- my life, my rock.
Independence- I'm learning to live on my own.
Jacob. My older bro :)
Kennedy family. Biggest interest, obsession even.
Leadership. The dream, the goal.
Mathematics & Statistics, my first major, my love, my frustration.
New York City - one day you will be home.
Piano. My expression.
Ocean. I don't think I could ever be apart from it.
Queen- a good band.
Roller Coaster- I love the rush.
Stickers- I just really don't like them, okay?
Tully- my residence, my home. Not for much longer but always in my heart.
University- two more years to go... at least...
Very Competitive
Wild- not quite.. but I do like a good challenge.
X chromosomes.
Year two. I just finished my second year of university. Time flies.
Zelda, my favorite video game.

Stole this idea from my dear friend KJ. She's become quite the blogger. You should follow her blog, it's really sweet.

1 comment:

  1. HAHA

    not only did you steal the blog post, you stole my clever X.
