Thursday, June 21, 2012

If ya had the chance to change your fate...would ya?

First, two pictures that were just uploaded to Facebook by Sara that make me really happy:

This was back when I was at Crystal Palace... all of us are from different lands! Tomorrowland, Fantasyland (Sara's land, and my regular home) and Main Street USA :)

Andddd I love STORYBOOK CIRCUS !!!!

So today started off really random. I went to Pop Century to try to sort out some stuff for my parent's reservation. Didn't work too well but I bought breakfast! Might as well make a morning out of it!

I went to work.. I was Seater 1. But like.. I thought it would be really boring but it wasn't. We had a proposal, and lots of cute kids, and the princesses seemed extra enchanting this evening. It was just one of those nights where I'd take a deep breath and be like... I'm working at Disney World. It is summer 2012 and this is my job, this is my life. I live here in Orlando and work in a castle.
A friend of mine also mentioned we pretty much just have a month and a bit left.. this darn near broke my heart. It feels like this is forever.. and to be honest, it would be amazing if I could live here forever (if my friends and family could be here too of course). I've been trying to make the most out of everyday, and do something fun at least once a day.. but.. August 3 will roll around and I won't live at Disney World anymore. As much as this breaks my heart, I know I will have to continue having fun everyday and never take it for granted!! This has been the experience of a LIFETIME and I will NEVER forget this!!
I don't think I've said YOLO before I came here but...YOLO. 
I could not be happier with how this summer turned out! I live at Disney World!!! :D I'm just so happy about this today!!

Tonight for example was an excellent memory.


A bunch of people from CRT ended up going to the Midnight premiere at Downtown Disney. How cool is that? Watching Disney's newest movie at Downtown Disney the MIDNIGHT it comes out... PRETTY COOL.
Sarah picked up Nicki, Grace and I after work and we drove over. We met up with Linda and her husband, Jessica and her room mate, Kim, and a few other people, got a bunch of snacks (yum) and settled in. Jessica had made cute little Reserved signs for our seats! :)

The movie was good! It wasn't as amazing as I expected... it wasn't a Finding Nemo or the new Beauty and the Beast. Could be because I was exhausted. But I really liked the character Merida. She's tough! It was cool that it took place in Scotland too, and a female protagonist. Pixar's first princess! 

I think my favorite part was just being able to watch it with such a cool audience. Obviously all huge Disney fans mostly cast members even. Everybody clapped at the good parts. It was fun watching it with work people too- :) at the beginning when they showed the castle, all of us in unison were like WE WORK THERE!! 

Grace and Nicki <3 

So a pretty cool day if you ask me :) Excited to see what tomorrow has in store! Probably a bit of sleep but then work 2:45-10:15! I hear Barack Obama is in town! Spotted this at the Contemporary ... Mitt Romney was there today! 

1 comment:

  1. HAHA when I saw Brave and the castle came on at the beginning, I said to Sergio, "That's where Lindsay works!" :)
    first redhead princess since Ariel!
