Saturday, May 19, 2012

"Do One Thing a Week That Scares You" -Lidia Simoes

So it was another day off today! Yay! :)
Yes I DO actually work, I work tomorrow in fact, but my days off are weirdly scheduled all close together. This coming week I work a bunch of days in a row.

I was really productive today and got everything I wanted to do done except going to the gym :(. Oh well.
I did my first load of Vista Way laundry! My clothes smell super duper good!

I went to Walmart and got enough groceries to last a lifetime!

I also cleaned up around the apartment.

After Alexis and Alex got off work we joined Sara at Hollywood Studios again. We watched the Hyperspace Hoopla for a second time- it's THAT good. We went on Rock'n'Roller Coaster and then....guess what.... I WENT ON TOWER OF TERROR. That's right folks, I faced my fear, and now I have ZERO Disney rides I'm afraid of!! YAY!!! It's actually a pretty neat ride and I recommend it. It's not THAT bad! I feel like Rock'n'Roller is scarier!!

We watched my first Fantasmic of the summer and then caught the bus home!

So I guess to sum up the day... I did something really cool by riding ToT and I also got to hang out with Alex, Sara and Alexis again! They're so much fun! Alex held my hand in ToT and I was really appreciative of that hehe. They're really great girls and I'm glad I'm getting to be friends with them! :)

... for those of you who don't know, Tower of Terror is a big elevator ride where they drop you and then lift you and drop you and make you sick and terrify you. See below for a googled image.

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